Friday, 21 June 2013

A Closed Chapter, A Lesson Learned

Well, that was quite the ride if I do say so myself.  Sometimes life throws you random curve balls and you have no choice but to take them in stride. That being said, I am now on my own and ready to take on this thing we call life. My problem with all this though, is that I knew where I was heading 3 weeks ago. Now that my whole life has been turned upside down (both a curse and a blessing in disguise) I now get to choose a completely different path to walk on.  Im not only stuck at a fork in the road, no, instead my fork has a million and one paths I could take.  Which one is the one for me is the question?

I have a lot of soul searching to do that is for sure, but one thing I do know is that I get to move into my own little apartment in July! That is quite exciting. Something can be said about new beginnings, they sometimes are quite refreshing.  After being in a relationship for 4.5 years, you pick up your partners characteristics and mannerisms. Although I love him for everything I've gained, I find myself now wondering who I really am.  Its  time to start putting the missing puzzle pieces in the right spots in my life.  Im excited to get started on my new routine, whatever it may end up being and make something of myself.  Im dreaming big here people, like really big.  Im not quite sure what that dream is just yet, or how exactly Im going to get there, but its going to happen. I can feel it :)

I am Woman! Hear me ROAR!